Line drawing with Current Reality on the left with a large set of looped circles labeled Complexity and on the other side Goal. This highlights the complexity of military financials

Finances can be

Military life and benefits can introduce an
additional level of anxiety and concern.

If you want a trusted partner that

If you want a trusted partner that


Helps you align your resources
(time, talent, treasure) with
your goals


Simplifies your finances


Reduces your anxiety

We can help

What Others Are Saying

Typical Client Questions We Can Help You Answer

Person in combat uniform saluting

Active Duty

Am I saving enough?
How do I maximize the GI Bill for my child’s college?
Can I take off after retirement?
Should I elect to get SBP?
How do I craft a financial transition plan?

Old military uniforms hanging in a closet

Former Military

When can I ultimately retire?
What are strategies to reduce my taxes?
When should I take Social Security?
How can I leave money to my family or charity?
What should I do with my TSP?

Check Out Our On-Demand Webinar

5 Smart Financial Moves When Retiring From The Military


Ultimate Retirement For Military Retirees Webinar

Our Services

We work with you to better align your resources and values…balancing living, saving, investing and protecting.
We also understand that flexibility is key as your life can change rapidly, be it deployment, military retirement,
career change or final retirement. We partner to help you achieve your dreams.

Two people working on a financial plan

Financial Planning

Achieve your goals and live your best life with
our values-based plan

Learn More

Two people working on a financial plan
Laptop with chart on it

Investment Management

Your portfolio tailored to your goals and risk tolerance

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Laptop with chart on it

College Funding

Demystify the costs with our College Planning Process

Learn More

The Next Mission 3 Step Plan

We Listen

Our discovery call helps us
understand your values and goals

We Plan

Together we’ll establish a
comprehensive strategy

You Succeed

Our ongoing relationship keeps you
on track as things in life change

Next Mission Financial Planning Has Been Featured In

financial advice tailored
to your values.

After 25 years in the Air Force, I desired to keep serving…choosing to focus on the successful transition of senior military and military personnel to their next mission.

I’ve seen the effects of bad investment advice on people’s wealth and success. so I created Next Mission Financial Planning to provide objective advice based on your best interest.

Your next mission is too important to do
anything else.

Learn More

We help you live your best life aligned to your values so you can achieve your Next Mission

Collage of images of different people
